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Keeping a happiness Journal is a great way to focus on the positive, rather than the negative. Each day you write two or three things that made you smile, but sometimes you want to add a little bit more to your journal entries. Journal prompts can be a great way to get your brain engaged and get you writing.
These journal prompts are just meant to get your brain working and your pen moving across the paper. Some of these are meant for great reflection, and some are meant as a quick way to get your brain moving.
The Benefits Of Journaling:
The benefits of journaling are honestly endless and very much an individual experience.
- You’ll begin to shift how you feel about your current circumstances in life.
- You’ll begin to practise gratitude without trying. It will become natural to be thankful.
- You will experience more happiness in life. It really is true that practicing gratitude feels good and you’ll realize you have so much in life to be thankful for.
- Things you worry about may not seem as big as they once were
- You’ll realize you have more support in life than you thought.